GOAL: obtain ♀

right mouse: get description
arrow keys/wasd/left mouse: move/jump/attack/dig
number keys/left mouse: use ability
n: surrender and start a new game

Sometimes you'll be given a choice of 3 abilities ($), right click to get descriptions of each ability. Choosing 1 of the abilities removes the other choices and increases your current / max health. That's all you need to start playing. If you want all the details they are included below. Remember you can right click on anything in the game to get info on it. I can't guarantee that there are no impossible games, but it is consistently winnable.

things fall 1 space per turn
you can only jump if you are standing on something
falling offscreen damages you
the range for your abilities is typically 13 (= the distance to the right/left edges of the screen if you're in the center)
moving to the right will move the screen to the right, you can't revisit places offscreen to the left
for enemies uppercase = 2 health, lowercase = 1 health
color indicates status effects
using an ability doesn't cause time to pass
ability costs are randomized each game

#: wall, stops movement
*: metal, can be mined to power your abilities
=: trampoline, triples your jump
╬: ladder, can be climbed
]: ice, slippery to walk on
(: fire, damages
$: ability pickup
♀: amulet of yendor, obtain to win

Å: walks back and forth, 3 max health
B: randomly moves and jumps, throws bombs at you
D: moves back and forth, can attack diagonally
F: flying, wanders randomly, avoids moving next to you
G: walks back and forth
H: flying, chases you
J: jumps 3 spaces high
M: heals injured enemies or walks back and forth, heals a 9 diameter box
N: moves back and forth, attack steals your first ability
P: jumps, attack knocks you back 3 spaces
Q: summons H
S: flying, sometimes swaps places with you
u: moves back and forth, 1 max health
V: flying, flies up and down
W: jumps, leaves walls when it dies

☼: bomb, damaging explosion in a 5 diameter diamond
%: corpse, can be mined to power your abilities

2$: gives you 2 random abilities
$δ$: changes randomly after used
æ→%: things move until stopped, killing what they hit
◄ (: shoots a cone creating alternating fire
◄æδæ: shoots a cone polymorphing enemies
◄^ %: shoots a cone killing midair enemies
◄_ ☼: shoots a cone turning standing enemies into bombs
▬ %: shoots a line destroying tiles and damaging enemies
@ @: you teleport 6 spaces
◄# ╬: shoots a cone changing nonempty tiles to ladders
▬ δ#: shoots a line changing walls to empty space and vice versa
◄æ ╬: shoots a cone turning enemies into expanding ladders
▬#%: shoots a line of walls until stopped, killing what it hits
▬]%: shoots a line of ice until stopped, killing what it hits
◄♫: shoots a cone sorting terrain #]=*╬$♀ )
+æ: summons an enemy ↑M ←P →W ↓V
▬=%: shoots a line of trampolines until stopped, killing what it hits
◄# *: shoots a cone changing nonempty tiles to metal
@→%: you move until stopped, killing what you hit
◄@§æ: shoots a cone causing you and enemies to swap positions
◄: shoots a cone (including you) giving status effect

magenta: will attack enemies
yellow: takes twice as much damage
blue: falls up
cyan: can dive down rapidly to stomp
purple: bounces off ground
orange: changes trailing terrain
green: attack heals

space: pause
right: advance 1 turn
up: speed up replay
down: slow down replay

PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
GenreStrategy, Platformer
Made withUnity
Tags2D, Seven Day Roguelike Challenge, ascii, mining, Roguelike, Singleplayer, Tactical, Turn-based, Unity
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Gravity RL v1.1.zip 13 MB
Gravity RL v1.0.zip 13 MB

Development log